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Mon-Fri 8 AM - 4 PM
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Who we serve

Parkdale Center for Professionals serves clients nation-wide.  We are located with easy access to the Chicago International Airport just off of I-90.

Parkdale Center for Professionals serves clients nation-wide.  We are located with easy access to the Chicago International Airport just off of I-90.


Parkdale is committed to treating the unique consequences encountered by the adult professional with a substance use disorder across the United States. The unique setting is located close to the Chicago airport, and we have success stories throughout the country.

The Parkdale Center for Professional’s program is unique as it is one of the few in the country to merge traditional 12-step modalities with cutting-edge genetic testing and alternative therapies to provide the most comprehensive and inclusive treatment plans available. Parkdale is specialized in treating the professional with SUD who will benefit from the vast resources, advocacy, and professional assistance that will be made available for them.

Parkdale helps professionals address a myriad of issues via comprehensive treatment plans, aftercare, advocacy, networking, employment help, return-to-work contracts, accountability programs, marriage and family counseling, legal consultation and has significant resources to help restore hope and rebuild lives. Confidentiality is of utmost importance throughout the entire process.

Parkdale Center for Professionals is committed to serving all impacted during our the process of recovery.


Prevention and treatment are both essential in our environments.  Parkdale Center for Professionals is committed to these needs, and happy to discuss them with you no matter how addiction is impacting you.  We are all impacted by Addiction.   Contact us today at 888-883-8433.