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An important message from parkdale's founders

It wasn’t long ago that we were in the exact position that you and your family is in now.   The addiction didn’t only affect one of us it affected the entire family.  As the disease spread through our home we were all filled with hopelessness, confusion, sadness and even anger.  We were fortunate in that the disease of addiction was addressed appropriately and aggressively which resulted in a good outcome.  However, picking up the pieces and putting our life back together after treatment was a long, lonely, and confusing endeavor.  As a result of our experience and the emotional trauma our family suffered, we have become committed to a lifetime of helping others that now carry the same burden.  Parkdale was designed to help both the professional afflicted with the struggles of addiction as well as their families.  We are committed professionally and personally to you and your family long after treatment to help ensure that your life not only returns to normal, but is better than you can even imagine. 

Rigo & Claudia Garcia

CLINICALLY EFFECTIVE     –            COMFORTABLE               –               CONFIDENTIAL               –            COST ATTAINABLE

Restoring Hope and Rebuilding Lives

It is estimated that 10% of the general population currently is or will be dependent on drugs or alcohol. Due to a variety of reasons, substance use disorder (SUD) rates amongst highly accountable professionals is even higher.

Parkdale Center was founded because of these sobering facts. Parkdale has been carefully designed to specifically identify and treat the physical, social, professional, familial, and psychological effects of clients afflicted with substance use disorder. Parkdale is committed to working collaboratively with local, state, and federal agencies to ensure public safety and patient compliance while maintaining and upholding current legislative requirements. As addiction rates continue to steadily rise across all of the country’s demographics, unfortunately the same cannot be said of the number of treatment centers or facilities charged to manage this disease. The special population of professionals becoming addicted requires the intervention of a well-trained and devoted treatment team to help deal with the unique issues and severe consequences suffered by these individuals.

Parkdale Professional Standards

Parkdale is committed to working with various regulatory, legislative, investigative, monitoring, and treatment organizations to ensure the Aftercare program exceeds expectations. Treatment options are derived from the most current recommendations set forth by the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) as well as accepted professional standards. In addition, Parkdale will maintain strict patient confidentiality while adhering to all the HIPAA regulations. The Parkdale Programs adamantly promotes public safety while complying with all treatment recommendations from involved parties and the local, state, and federal authorities. Our programs are meant to serve as an advocate for the participant, an officer of public safety, and a resource adjunct to multiple regulatory and monitoring organizations.  For more information on how to get started, contact us today.  This is why you see the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) standards accreditation seal of approval on our website.  We take these standards very seriously.